Graduation and 3 Field Trips

Graduation Congratulations!

Amine returned to Lebanon in late July to participate in the first graduation ceremony of Noor El-Salam Academy in Beirut. Lead teacher Amira borrowed caps and gowns for all the students. Gift boxes were donated for each student by another non-profit. Parents attended, speeches were given, and a live-stream video was made. Click the link here to watch.

Such a joyous and memorable day! The teachers really worked hard to make it a special occasion for the families.

In August, the school is closed for a month-long holiday, and will reopen in September, weather and war permitting.

Three Outings

The children, all 145 of them, were taken by 2 buses to a nearby park and zoo. Several parents came along as chaperones for the day-long festivities. They saw a bear and a tiger, rode on a pony, fed a bunny, and had some treats. It was a whole new experience for most of them and they appreciated it.




We continue to search for corporate funding or grant opportunities. With the school year starting soon, our coffers need to be refilled to ensure we can keep as many students as possible within our fold. The young ones now know what to expect and how to act in school, and the older ones are making up for lost time in their studies. They know they are loved and, for the most part, they are thriving. We are doing good work that is making a difference in the lives of families caught in a desperate situation.

See more in the August Newsletter

Your Support is Appreciated

As always, your individual donations and your help spreading the word and alerting us to any grants is appreciated more than you know.

Donate Online

Or donate by mail:
Noor El-Salam
1237 Purdue Drive Longmont, CO 80503

We will continue to work for peace and to give children hope through education and love. Gratefully,
Amine & Noor El-Salam Board