Spring Semester Ends, Summer Schedule Begins

It’s a Wrap

The children at Noor Academy studied hard, took exams, and celebrated the end of the school year just like any other school.  However, in the midst of these normal activities, our teachers had growing concerns that hunger was pervasive among the students.  One mother broke down and admitted she had nothing in her kitchen to feed her children.  Amira, our lead teacher, managed to find another nonprofit to step in and provide occasional snacks for them which has helped.  We hope to continue this practice as hungry children really cannot learn and thrive.

Spring was difficult for Syrian refugees in Beirut with more Lebanese calling for their repatriation to their homeland and forced evictions being used against some.  It is no safer now in Syria for them than before, but the host country and its residents are turning against immigrants and scape-goating them for their own problems.  Hopefully our school will be able to “fly under the radar” and not be impacted by this anti-immigrant sentiment spreading throughout Lebanon.


Summer Schedule

During June and July, when the weather gets quite hot in Beirut, the school will only be in session two days a week.  Another day each week the teachers will take the children on an outing.  In August, the school will be closed for a month-long holiday, reopening in September.

Our teachers are paid year-round but at a lower rate than other teachers in Beirut public or private schools.  The class sizes are large and the demands are great.  We are fortunate to have them and plan to increase their pay in the coming year.  We hope having a month off will rejuvenate them for the work of the next school year.


See More in the May Newsletter


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Noor El-Salam

    1237 Purdue Drive

    Longmont, CO 80503

We will continue to work for peace and to give children hope through education and love